


三月份的人權理事會向來被視為最受重視的年度場次,也是三個會期中最長的一個。不能免俗地,還是得先參考Universal Rights Group指標性的會前內幕整理The Inside Track of HRC31(pdf檔案),來了解這個會期到底有什麼重頭戲值得留意關注。



A. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy (A/HRC/31/64)

B. Joint compilation report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and the Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary executions on practical recommendations for the proper management of assemblies, based on best practices and lessons learned (A/HRC/31/66)

C. Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context (A/HRC/31/54)

尤其是最後一篇(其實到寫本文的這個時間點,也只有這份報告事先在放上網)適足住房權特別報告員這份關於“homeless”(街友)的報告,算是對今日貧窮問題的全球化(不只發生在開發中國家)造成對弱勢社群不利的歧視與社會排除所演生的無家可歸問題,提出了整體性的觀察。個人還蠻推薦可以觀注這名加拿大籍律師Leilani Farha的推特動向


A. A new Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967

B. A member from the Eastern European States to the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

C. A member from the Latin America and Caribbean States, and the Asia-Pacific States to the Working Group on the issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Enterprises.

D. A member from the Asia-Pacific States to the Working Group on the issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Enterprises.

來應徵的候選人其履歷資料可參考此處。特別程序作為UN憲章所設計保障的人權保障手段,允許派任的獨立人權專家對於職責負予的任務進行調查並要求會員國家回應其對人權侵害的詢問。當然許多國家根本不甩這些詢問關切,其具體的狀況可以參考人權高專辦公室整理的:Communications reports of special procedures

最後,今年十二月將是國際人權憲章(International Bill of Human Rights),即聯合國人權體系中最重要的二大人權公約ICCPR & ICESCR,1966年經由聯合國大會決議通過滿五十週年的重要時間點。現在聯合國人權機構與某些人權團體已開始展開各種慶祝與意識提昇的教育活動的暖身活動,例如人權高專辦公室所整理的這個專網可以參考一下。http://2covenants.ohchr.org/

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