本次常會相關的議程與報告文件,上週已公開在聯合國人權高專的網站上。(共有英、法、俄、阿、中、西六種語言版本的議程資料)。面對這24頁洋洋撒撒的書海索引資料,這三週的時間內,最主要將是安排了六場主題的長桌討論(PANEL DISCUSSIONS),其主題分別為:
(1). Chile will lead an annual panel discussion on the integration of Gender Perspectives on Tuesday 15 September at 15.00. This panel will discuss measures that can be adopted to achieve concrete goals and gender balance.
(2). Iran will lead a biannual panel discussion on unilateral coercive measures and human rights on 17 September at 12.00. In accordance with resolution 27/21, the OHCHR will prepare a report on the panel discussion.
(3). The European Union will lead a panel on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 21 September at 12.00, which should provide a critical opportunity for victims of the human rights abuses to testify before the international community.
(4). Mexico will lead an annual half day discussion on the human rights of indigenous people on 22 September at 12.00. The discussion will constitute a follow up to World Conference of Indigenous People, and will include representatives of indigenous groups.
(5). Australia, Chile, Poland and others will lead a panel discussion on a human rights based approach to good governance in the public service on 24 September at 12.00. A summary report will be prepared on the panel including concluding remarks and recommendations.
(6). Albania, Colombia, Uruguay, Greece, Paraguay and others will lead a panel on the impact of the world drug problem on the enjoyment of human rights on 28 September at 15.00.
(1). Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights(此職位是在2009年人權理事會決議設立,今年28次常會上又同意延長該職務三年的任期)
(2). The Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent from the Latin American and Caribbean States
(3). The Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances from Eastern European States
最後,我今年才開始注意到的智庫型新組織 Universal Rights Group (URG),過去一年除了針對每次聯合人權理事會常會的重大結論,很有效率地在會期後出版UNHRC Session Reports,這個我曾經今年在過去二次常會後介紹過。自這個會期起,在新加坡常駐聯合國日內瓦代表團的贊助下,開始在人權理事會常會之前出版了一份「The Inside Track」,作為當屆開會前的重點摘要與回顧,這份小冊的確是一個很簡明有用的指引資訊,也是大推!!(也輕易地讓我對新加坡政府多了點好感啊XDXD)

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