Blackgold--corporate coffee trade consequences on ethiopian coffee farmers:
A 2006 documentary about coffee trade centered on its birthplace: highland Ethiopia. The Ethiopian farmers struggle to get a fair price for their crops of high quality coffee, many of them go bankrupt, famine strikes another coffee growing region, lack of money prevents education from spreading. Meanwhile huge Corporations (starbucks, nestle, sarah lee, Procter and gamble...) are counting billions of dollars and we western customers continue enjoying the pleasures of one of the most popular beverages in the world, at a bargain price that keeps the western world hyper-active and ever agressive, but most of all richer. 7.000.000 ethiopians (most of them farmers) are permanently dependant on foreign food "aid" , this food is sent by the same people that drove them to famine...
(本片帶領觀眾回到咖啡豆最早的誕生地--非洲伊索比亞高地,即使遠離了百年前的殖民統治,取得政治上的獨立,但今日當地農民仍在為辛苦耕種的咖啡在國際市場中獲得公平合理的價格苦苦爭扎。許多小農破產,供不起孩子上學、饑荒流行還得仰賴進口的糧食援助。於此同時,全球五大食品跨國企業-- KRAFT、Nestle、Proctor & Gamble、Sara Lee、Starbucks 即幾乎壟斷了全球咖啡市場,提供給"西方"消費者時尚、優雅的飲品。)
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