Video Training Basics

UNESCO - Video Training Basics, a Series of Instructional Video Tutorials for the Independent Filmmaker

This series of instructional "how to" videos will introduce potential and practicing filmmakers to the elements of independent documentary film production, particularly to its processes and techniques. This series of instructional "how to" videos will introduce potential and practicing filmmakers to the elements of independent documentary film production, particularly to its processes and techniques. With the increasing availability of low cost technologies for both production and post-production, the training material will help fulfill a vital need in democratizing the non - print media. Empowering individuals and communities to produce content will help ensure the generation of a more localized content specific to the needs, values and lifestyles of the individual content provider and the community which he or she represents. Through this series of training modules, UNESCO and its partner, the Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT), intend to support this process by facilitating the democratization of content and by providing basic and easily comprehensible self-training materials that are inexpensively distributed to potential content creators. They will provide a basic, conceptual and technical understanding of the uses and techniques of audio-visual film production with a focus on the independent documentary. If this documentary was used as the framework for the training content is because it represents the most easily distributed, accessible and complete genre to present an alternative case or perspective to that presented by commercially driven or state-run television. This project aims to equip a generation of filmmakers and viewers with the basic tools that are essential in the communication process to use the audiovisual medium effectively in order to demonstrate the plurality of views and issues that form civil society.



原檔案要在UNESOO網站註冊後才能下載,我本來想把它傳到影片分享網站內嵌,但其 rm real player 格式卻老在最後一個步驟無法完成影片的轉換儲存,所以只好丟在虛擬主機裏讓有興趣的人自己下載。

1. Basic Training: Camera, Sounds, Editing

2. Documentary Reality

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